The Barchart Technical Opinion widget shows you today's overally Barchart Opinion with general information on how to interpret the short and longer term signals.
Click the "See More" link to see the full Performance Report page with expanded historical information. This section shows the Highs and Lows over the past 1, 3 and 12-Month periods. Thus, Weighted Alpha is a measure of one-year growth with an emphasis on the most recent price activity.Ī thumbnail of a daily chart is provided, with a link to open and customize a full-sized chart. Barchart takes this Alpha and weights this, assigning more weight to recent activity, and less (0.5 factor) to activity at the beginning of the period. Weighted Alpha: A measure of how much a stock or commodity has risen or fallen over a one-year period.Average Volume: The average number of shares traded over the last 20 days.Volume: The total number of shares or contracts traded in the current trading session.Previous Close: The closing price from the previous trading session.Open: The opening price for the current trading session is plotted on the day's High/Low histogram.Day High / Low: The highest and lowest trade price for the current trading session.Debt Management segment is engaged in debt collection.The Quote Overview page gives you a snapshot view for a specific Canadian equity symbol. During market hours, delayed exchange price information displays (Stocks: 15 minute delay, CT) and new delayed trade updates are updated on the page (as indicated by a "flash"). Retail Finance segment provides point of sale unsecured finance for in-store and online retailers. Motor Finance segment provides hire purchase agreements secured against the vehicle being financed.

Commercial Finance segment is involved in invoice discounting, invoice factoring and Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme finance, for existing Commercial Finance customers. Asset Finance segment is engaged in loans to small and medium-sized enterprises to acquire commercial assets. Real Estate Finance segment is engaged in residential and commercial investment and development loans secured by United Kingdom real estate. The Company operates through seven segments: Real Estate Finance, Asset Finance, Commercial Finance, Mot or Finance, Retail Finance, Debt Management and Consumer Mortgages. The Company provides savings accounts and lending services. Secure Trust Bank PLC is a United Kingdom-based retail bank.